About Me

God hath not promised skies always blue, flower-strewn pathways all our lives through; God hath not promised sun without rain, joy without sorrow, peace without pain. But God hath promised strength for the day, rest for the labour, light on the way; grace for the trial, help from above, unfailing sympathy, undying love. (by Annie Johnson Flint)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Regular/ Irregular Verbs

Sort the following base verbs into regular and irregular. (Some verbs may be both.)

come          buy             stay            bring              wish               sit              understand
desire         hope            translate          hop                 belong             overthrow         study
fly              try               continue          find                 follow             own                  cost 
retain          learn           create              teach              purchase         give                  present
design         become       overtake          misspell           forget             begin                see
view           develop        grow              conceive          found              cook                 sort

Regular                                                                  Irregular
1)                                                                            1)
2)                                                                            2)
3)                                                                            3)
4)                                                                            4)
5)                                                                            5)
6)                                                                            6)
7)                                                                            7)
8)                                                                            8)
9)                                                                            9)
10)                                                                          10)

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